Student Projects - Artronauting

University of Osnabrück
Institute of Art / Art Education
Prof. Bettina Bruder, Jan Merlin Marski

The Institute of Art / Art Education at the Osnabrück University is participating with works from the Media & Experimental Design class in the form of student projects, workshops, and presentations. The participants and students act in the form of artronauting – a portmanteau of the terms art and astronautics to refer to the exploratory immersion in a journey through time of change and development in the respective artistic engagement.

The student projects will be on display in the Galerie im Fenster at Seminarstrasse 33 / Osnabrück and presented in the form of project logbooks, short films, installations, and a performative pop-up exhibition. In the process, the artronauties explored, researched, and designed alternative narratives through the experimental use of a wide variety of media. The focus of the respective creative-artistic engagement was the development of an independent form of expression, position, and view in order to convey and implement ideas, contents and concepts experimentally. Fundamental to this is a criticalspeculative understanding of design that links disciplines in a transdisciplinary and intermediary way, transforming our human perception and reconfiguring our sensorium.

Collaborators in these endeavours can also be bacteria, fungi, artificial intelligences, automatisms, electro-technical controls, and microprocessors. Nadja Reifer from the University of Art and Design Linz will conduct a BioArt workshop and Sebastian Lotz from the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart invites us to a course with remote-controlled robot eyes.

The exact dates will be announced at The number of participants is limited. Interested participants can register by 14.04.23 at design(at)