
The Media & Interaction Design degree programme at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences uniquely combines the diverse fields of digital media design with the fundamentals of information technology, psychology, and communication science.

Right from the first semester, the competences for the responsible design of our digitalised environment are taught in a practical and applied manner. Creative solutions for current and future issues concerning the interaction with digital media and products are developed in numerous projects. In our high-quality, modern laboratories and workshops, the designs can be implemented directly as prototypes. The project structure and the extensive range of elective modules allow students to set their own individual focus during their studies. Intensive support is provided at all times by the lecturers and staff of the degree programme.

The degree programme comprehensively prepares students for professional life. Graduates of the programme work in agencies, design departments of large companies and in cultural institutions. They have founded their own companies, are active in research and already teaching themselves at universities both at home and abroad.

Finja Kösters, Paula Gnauck, Florian Elmhorst, Tjorven Bertolatus