Powering Degrowth

With Florine Lindner, Muerbe u. Droege and Andrea Vetter
(in English)

Is degrowth an option for today’s world? Which institutions and infrastructures can assist in such a shift and process? Where can paradigms of relevance be found, and what can be learned from them? Speakers connected to exemplary initiatives in Germany will position themselves on the topic drawing from their own practice. Muerbe u. Droege featuring Andrea Vetter (co-author of the book The Future is Degrowth) will talk about the role of feminist nowtopias, emancipatory infrastructures and radical solidarity in provoking change in daily life, bringing their own experience from the Haus des Wandels (HDW) in Eastern Brandenburg. Florine Lindner, creative producer at E-WERK Luckenwalde, will present the logic and challenges of an art institution housed at an old power station generating its own electricity (Kunststrom) while embracing decentralisation and deceleration. Together they will discuss what it means to programme, based on the principles of conviviality and sustainability and on building bonds with the local community

Florine Lindner, Muerbe u. Droege, Andrea Vetter