Planetary Metabolism & Temporalities of Environmental Change

With Joana Moll and Karolina Sobecka
(in English)

Does the carbon cycle shape time? How do carbon pasts and deep time affect future rhythms of living for the human and more-thanhuman worlds? Which technologies and politics can balance planetary metabolism? As part of this panel, two artists and researchers will present recent works of theirs and exchange their thoughts about the costs of technological progress on Earth’s species and ecosystems. Karolina Sobecka will address the phenomenon of the ‘tar pits’, which are natural substances made of thick oil, able to reveal fossils once trapped in them, and to manifest different temporalities of life and matter. Joana Moll will discuss the augmentation of the anthropogenic mass with regard to the biomass, its negative effects on the biosphere and the possibility to regenerate itself. Proposals of how to reprogramme or restore Earth’s metabolism will be discussed through critical positions and artworks.